Emmanuel Macron “wants” to be a candidate but has not yet decided

“As soon as there are sanitary conditions which allow it and that I have clarified this subject, in myself and in relation to the political equation, I will say what it is”, specifies the head of the ‘Status in “Le Parisien”.

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Does he think about it while shaving? Emmanuel Macron has in any case “desire” to be a presidential candidate, he told the Parisian, Tuesday January 4. The president adds that his decision is being “consolidate” but that it is not yet completely sure. “There is no false suspense. I want to. As soon as there are sanitary conditions that allow it and that I have clarified this subject, in myself and in relation to the political equation, I will say what it is with the same freedom because I don’t want to forbid myself. I’ve always been free, that’s what allowed me to do, he assures.

“Do I continue to have ambitions, dreams and wills for our country? Yes. Is it time for personal choices when I have important decisions to make in the very short term in the face of the pandemic? No. Will that moment come, sooner rather than later given the schedule? Yes. This decision is solidifying deep inside me. I need to be sure that I am able to go as far as what I want”, adds the head of state.

“This decision is consolidated in my heart. I need to be sure that I am able to go as far as I want”, continues the president, questioned by readers of the daily.

Given the lead in the polls, Emmanuel Macron expressed resolutely optimistic wishes on Friday on health, the economy and its balance sheet but also “for 2022”. His renewal would be a feat: he would become the first President of the Republic reelected by universal suffrage except cohabitation.

When will he declare himself? In the opinion of all, it will not be before January 19, date on which the host of the Elysée will address the MEPs as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The often mentioned firing window is between the end of January and the beginning of February. But these are only speculations. “He always decides late and at the last moment”, reminds a relative to franceinfo.

The opposition accuses him of campaign without saying it. “Clearly, Emmanuel Macron is a candidate and his speaking time is not counted as such”, blasted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, after the presidential address of November 9.

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