Emmanuel Macron visits ultra-conservative Viktor Orban


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Emmanuel Macron is in Budapest, Hungary, where he is due to meet Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Monday, December 13. If the political figure is highly contested for his ultra-conservative side, the French head of state needs Viktor Orban, decrypts journalist Anne Bourse on the spot.

“For Emmanuel Macron, Viktor Orban is both a political opponent and a European partner“, explains journalist Anne Bourse, live from Hungary for France 3. There are many disagreements, because Hungary has adopted laws contested by Brussels. “Europe, she says, denounces attacks on the independence of the judiciary, freedom of expression or homosexual rights. “ So the standoff continues. For the moment, Hungary is not touching the money from the European recovery plan.

According to the Elysee, Emmanuel Macron will speak “of all the angry subjects” during his tête-à-tête with Viktor Orban. She points out that “Agreements are still possible on defense, nuclear or digital”. The opposition between the two men (Viktor Orban the nationalist, Emmanuel Macron the progressive) is carefully staged for domestic political purposes. Both “are in pre-electoral campaign in their own country”, ends Anne Bourse.

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