Emmanuel Macron visits Bangladesh


Video length: 1 min.


Emmanuel Macron is in Bangladesh on Monday September 11. It is the first visit to this country since François Mitterrand, a way of building and building a new page with this part of the continent. Update with Christelle Meral.

“This trip is a new illustration of France’s strategy in theIndo-Pacific, a vast area that covers the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. France has several territories such as New Caledonia and Polynesia. Paris strengthens its ties with countries in the region to establish its security and develop its influence”affirms Christelle Méral, Monday September 11.

Contract for Airbus planned

“The goal is also to counter the growing weight of China in this region, while Beijing is increasing its demonstrations of force against Taiwan. The visit also has an economic dimension, as Emmanuel Macron and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh negotiate the signing of a contract for several Airbuses. Bangladeshsh has enormous potential”concludes the journalist.

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