Emmanuel Macron visiting Marseille this Thursday with the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye

In September 2021, Emmanuel Macron launched the plan “Marseille in a big way” which includes in particular an envelope of 400 million euros to renovate the city’s schools. Nine months later, the re-elected president is coming to Marseille this Thursday, June 2 with the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye to take stock of one of his wishes: to make fifty establishments “a laboratory of freedom and means” from September 2022. This is precisely to test the free recruitment of teachers in about fifty schools in the city.

The president’s idea was that school principals could “choose their teaching team”. At the primary level, the headteacher currently has no hierarchical superiority over other teachers. An idea that has not been unanimously accepted by teachers’ unions, in particular who fear having a “two-speed school” (those of the experiment with a budget of 2.5 million euros and the others).

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