Emmanuel Macron “validates everything” and sifts through the LREM nominations

After his re-election, Emmanuel Macron devoted himself fully to the legislative elections next June. He examined the En Marche nominations one by one before validating them, franceinfo learned on Tuesday.

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Nine days after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday April 24, there is still no planned investiture ceremony, nor a new government, Tuesday May 3. But, according to information from franceinfo, the head of state is fully dedicated to the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. He became “great campaign manager” and validates one by one the nominations of deputies.

>> Legislative: follow the news of the elections

One meeting alone illustrates the involvement of the re-elected President: a dinner-marathon on Sunday evening at the Elysée, more than seven hours of discussions until 2:30 am. To sift through the nominations, Emmanuel Macron is working “paper and pencil in hand”smiles an adviser. “He validates everything”adds another, “every line” in the Excel tables listing the 577 constituencies.

Tuesday April 26, Emmanuel Macron had already lunched at the Élysée with in particular Richard Ferrand, the President of the Assembly, Christophe Castaner, the leader of the walking deputies, Stanislas Guérini, the general delegate of the party and Alexis Kohler, the essential secretary general of the presidential palace. The objective of the President of the Republic is to announce a first wave of nominations this week under a common banner “With you”.

The disputed cases will be decided later, in particular with “Horizons”, the movement of Edouard Philippe. As one majority leader put it in a “the same time” very macronist: “The nominations will go quickly, but we will have to be patient”.

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