“Emmanuel Macron threatens to send…”, the conflict between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier takes on a new dimension

This Friday March 29, 2024, TF1 may well record an audience record on the occasion of the new prime Dance with the stars. Indeed, this will be the first bonus since the respective speeches ofInes Reg

And Natasha St-Pier


The two actually had a violent altercation during rehearsals for the show and have since each given their version. Except that all the viewers of the front page are waiting for them to discuss this argument live, and above all, face to face. It remains to be seen whether this will be the case this Friday March 29, 2024 while Camille Combal tried to close this story in Camille & Images.

Also see: DALS 2024 is tonight!

Charline Vanhoenacker makes fun of the clash between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier

Debate closed or not, it is clear that the subject has been reacting for several days. Whether on television, on the Web, or on the radio, almost everyone talks about the clash between Natasha St-Pier and Inès Reg in Dance with the stars. Enough to give comedians food for thought. The proof, with the column by Charline Vanhoenacker this Thursday March 28, 2024 on France Inter.

“Everyone only talks about that to say that no one cares. Admit it’s fascinating… Have you seen the number of articles on it?”first blurted out the comedian before continuing: “Apparently, the case started from a joke by Natasha St-Pier which was misinterpreted. Natasha St-Pier is a bit like the Guillaume Meurice of TF1”.

Charline Vanhoenacker took advantage of the rest of her column to discuss Emmanuel Macron and the possible sending of French troops to Ukrainian soil to confront Russia, or the controversy linked to Aya Nakamura, expected to perform a song by Edith Piaf at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games.

The comedian even makes an allusion to Emmanuel Macron

“For several days now, France has been divided between two types of people. The ‘Inès Regien’ on one side. The ‘Natasha St-Pierriste’ on the other. It’s explosive! The only thing missing is Aya Nakamura gets involved and we break the internet. In short, there are two irreconcilable camps”she continued before concluding: “We are all afraid that the Reg/St-Pier conflict will degenerate and that Emmanuel Macron will threaten to send ground troops to TF1 […] In one day, on the networks, we went from Pray for Gaza to Pray from Natasha St-Pier”.

Hoping that the conflict does not “degenerate” and that everything returns to normal TF1 and the main interested parties, from this Friday evening.

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