Emmanuel Macron thanked those who blocked the far right



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In 2022, in his victory speech, President Emmanuel Macron thanked voters who voted against the far right. In 2017, he already had a word for those same voters.

“Many of our compatriots voted for me today, not to support the ideas I hold, but to block those of the extreme right. I want to thank them here.”

Sunday April 24, the evening of his re-election against Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron thanked the voters who voted for him to block the far right.

Five years earlier, the second round already opposed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

“I know our disagreements, I will respect them, but I will be faithful to this commitment made” said Emmanuel Macron at the time, addressing voters who had voted for him in order to block the victory of the far right.

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