Emmanuel Macron teases Brigitte: Moment “canaille” of the president with his wife

The complicity of the presidential couple erupted once again during the second round of the election of April 24, 2022. However, these are behind-the-scenes moments for Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, immortalized by the official photographer of the Presidency of the Republic. Soazig de la Moissonniere. Armed with her precious camera, she captured powerful and emotional moments for the man who won a new mandate with 58.5% of the vote, against his far-right opponent Marine Le Pen. This time, no unusual photo like the one where the leader relaxes with his shirt open and his hairy chest, but scenes of happiness and jubilation.

In Le Touquet, the city where they voted, or at the Elysée on the evening of the results, Emmanuel Macron and his first lady had a busy weekend. They fulfilled their duty as citizens by going to drop off their ballot in the ballot boxes of the city of Pas-de-Calais in the Hauts-de-France region. The couple has a second home here. “Thanks for being there once again“, addressed the Head of State to the assessors of his usual polling station. After the vote, he engaged in a new long walkabout in the middle of the inhabitants and the onlookers, shaking hands under a beautiful sun. of spring.

During their visit to Touquet-Paris-Plage, they relaxed during a meal where the photographer captured a moment of great complicity and relaxation in a restaurant, as if the politician was teasing his wife. As fused as on the first day, the bride and groom of 2007 know that they are, for each other, the best allies in the hardest moments as well as the most exciting.

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