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On the morning of Thursday, June 23, Emmanuel Macron arrived in Brussels, Belgium, where the European Union summit dedicated to Ukraine and Moldova is being held. The journalist Pascal Verdeaulive from the Belgian capital, explains that the president is not weakened on the European scene by the results of the legislative elections.
Immanuel Macron’swent to Brussels (Belgium) Thursday, June 23, on the occasion of a summit of the European Union devoted to Ukraine and Moldova, two countries which wish to obtain the status of candidate to the European Union. Despite the results of the legislative elections, which saw him lose his absolute majority in the National Assembly, the presidentdoes not arrive weakened in the Belgian capital. “In Brussels, we know full well that Europe is part of the reserved domain of the French president, that his powers are very broad, very extensive“, explains the journalist Pascal Verdeaulive from Brussels.
“What dominates here is rather a feeling of curiosity. More than half of the governments in Europe are coalition governments, and the 27 wonder if the culture of European-style compromise will one day irrigate French political life.“, explains Pascal Verdeauwho adds that this is the last summit of the French presidency of the European Union, and that Ukraine and Moldova are expected to be granted candidate country status in the evening.