Emmanuel Macron strongly challenged by an environmental activist

An activist from the Last Renovation collective urged the president to “listen to scientific reports” on climate change.

“You are demonstrating a form of civic violence.” A lively exchange opposed an environmental activist from the Last Renovation collective to Emmanuel Macron, Saturday, February 25, during the President of the Republic’s stroll at the Agricultural Show. The young man, who wore a t-shirt crossed out with the mention “What are you for?”challenged the Head of State, calling on him to “listen to scientific reports” on climate change.

>> Follow the opening day of the Agricultural Show live with franceinfo

“I’m here to tell you that we won’t stop, because we’re tired of asking nicely. Hear this, otherwise it’s going to be terrible. I’ve finished what I had to say”launched the environmental activist, pointing his index finger at the president, but refusing to listen to his response. “We’ve already heard you!”, he justified himself.

“You are the demonstration of a form of civic violence”then retorted Emmanuel Macron, questioning him: “I am elected by the French people, you are elected by whom?”. The Head of State deplored the lack of discussion. “This is not a debate!”insisted the activist. “Well then, leave, if it’s not a debate!”replied the President of the Republic.

“I don’t really like the interpellation without the debate”

While the young man promised to “do not let it go”arguing that “it’s the life of (his) little sister who (was) at stake”Emmanuel Macron took it up by evoking “the life of farmers is the life of our compatriots”. Still questioned about “thermal renovation of buildings”Emmanuel Macron replied: “That’s what we do!”

“I want to answer you, but you do not have the courage and the coherence to listen to an answer. It looks like you, and that is useless!”concluded the Head of State, before pointing out, a few minutes later: “Me, I agree to be yelled at, to be pushed around, but I don’t really like the questioning without the debate”.

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