Emmanuel Macron speaks for the first time since losing his majority in the Assembly


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Emmanuel Macron speaks at 8 p.m., Wednesday June 22, for the first time since the second round of the legislative elections. Live from the Élysée, journalist Guillaume Daret reveals the content of this intervention.

Wednesday June 22, Emmanuel Macron speaks for the first time since the second round of the legislative elections, which deprived him of an absolute majority in the National Assembly. This speech should make it possible to clarify the political situation. First, the president will take note of the results of these elections. “Second thing, that he sets a course, where, and with whom, does he want to take the country? one of his relativesindicates the journalist Guillaume Daret, live from the Élysée Palace (Paris).

“This solemn address, at 8 p.m., will be short, less than ten minutes, and it has, of course, been nourished by the talks that the Head of State had, here, at the Élysée with the heads of the political forces he has received since yesterday”concludes Guillaume Daret.

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