Emmanuel Macron sets out the program of the future French presidency


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What will the French presidency of the European Union look like from January 1? Emmanuel Macron outlined his vision and objectives during a press conference on Thursday, December 9.

For the second press conference of his five-year term, Emmanuel Macron wanted to don his costume as head of Europe without delay. He spoke on the thorny issue of borders. “We must first find a Europe which knows how to protect its borders, and finds on the migratory question a political organization which puts us in a position to defend its values”, did he declare. He announced a reform of the Schengen area, which could in particular be based on the creation of emergency support in the event of a migration crisis. The president also addressed the topic of climate, with “the establishment of the carbon adjustment mechanism at the borders”. Goal ? Tax products imported into the European Union which do not respect the environment.

Four months from the deadline, he did not fail to mention the presidential election. If he still refuses to announce his candidacy, he seemed to slip a message to Eric Zemmour. “Hatred is hatred of France”, did he declare. The press conference, which lasted more than two hours, did not convince the opposition. François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP Les Républicains, believes that the president made “a serious fault” in “now the calendar of the French presidency” in the middle of the presidential campaign. Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate, deplores for his part “a lot of blah-blah”.

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