Emmanuel Macron seductive? “There were some very pretty girls in the cabinet, but…”

Since his first five-year term, Emmanuel Macron has been criticized for his very masculine close guard. Since his re-election, the president has put women forward more than ever, choosing Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister. We know his fusional relationship with his wife Brigitte Macron, but the magazine Gala wanted to investigate the relationship of the 44-year-old head of state with the fairer sex.

Very close and accomplice with Brigitte Macron, his ally with whom he has built such a strong relationship, Emmanuel Macron is also a seducer. But it does not convey the classic image, which can often be seen in the middle of politics. Corinne Lhaïk, journalist at Opinion and co-author of Night falls twice (Fayard) describes it as follows:Unlike other politicians, he does not look like a man on women.“A collaborator at the time told Gala:”At Bercy, there were some very pretty girls in the ministerial office, but he didn’t see them.

The art of seduction, Emmanuel Macron masters it but in a non-gendered way: “He would seduce anyone, but it’s still very intellectual about him, and in order to serve his own cause.“, says an observer of political life. “He is very tactile, but much less with women, aware that this could be misinterpreted, notes Corinne Lhaïk. He is capable of tapping Donald Trump on the thigh, but would not allow himself with Kamala Harris, the vice-president of the United States.“What former government spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye confirms in Paul Larrouturou and Eliot Blondet’s book, Elysée Confidential (Flammarion):”It took him a long time to realize that I was a woman.”

Married since 2007 with Brigitte Macron, the President of the Republic does not flirt, he wants to catch the eye of his interlocutors, woman or man. The rest is his private life, which he preserves as much as possible. His wife is his anchor in reality and allows him to keep his feet on the ground when he wants to fly away, he who has made a meteoric rise since he was Minister of the Economy.

Find the full article in the magazine Gala from June 9, 2022

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