Emmanuel Macron says he is “shocked” by the incidents which affected Marine Le Pen in Guadeloupe


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About twenty demonstrators from several Guadeloupean national organizations broke in during the recording of an interview with the candidate of the National Rally on Saturday evening.

Guest of the program “Sunday in politics” on France 3, Sunday March 27, Emmanuel Macron declared himself “shocked” over there “totally unacceptable scene” the disruption of the recording of a program by Marine Le Pen in a hotel in Guadeloupe by demonstrators presented as nationalists.

These facts “shock me and I condemn them in the strongest terms”reacted the candidate president, denouncing “any form of violence” in the political debate in the run-up to the presidential election. The outgoing president believes that he “everything will have to be done to ensure that clarifications are made and that justice passes”while Marine Le Pen and her team announced on Sunday that they were going to file a complaint.

About twenty demonstrators from several Guadeloupean national organizations burst in during the recording of an interview with the candidate of the National Rally on Saturday evening in Guadeloupe, causing the interruption of the interview.

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