Emmanuel Macron says he is ready to “move” on his pension reform

The president and candidate for his re-election also announced Monday on BFMTV that he will defend a “minimum pension of 1,100 euros per month”.

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The subject divides and he understood it well. During his trip to Pas-de-Calais on Monday April 11, the president and candidate for re-election Emmanuel Macron said he was ready to “to move” on the pension reform and “to open the door” a postponement of the retirement age to 64, rather than 65, “if there is too much tension” and “it can build consensus”.

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Earlier in the day, he also showed himself open to negotiations on his reform. “I want to do two things: index retirement pensions to inflation from July 1. And I want to raise the minimum pension to 1,100 euros per month, it is now 900 euros”said Emmanuel Macron at the microphone of BFMTV.

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Asked about the possibility of having recourse to a referendum on this reform, he replied: “I do not rule out the referendum, for any reform whatsoever”. He also said “willing to discuss pace and boundaries”believing that such a reform would not take place “overnight”. And to add: “I don’t want to divide the country”, believing that “special diets no longer suit reality”.

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