Emmanuel Macron says he is in favor of a revision of the European treaties to simplify the decision-making of the 27 Member States

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2:20 p.m. : Immanuel Macron says to himself “favorable” to a revision of the treaties of the European Union. Follow his speech in our live.

2:19 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron reaffirms that “ICrises should not distract us from our agenda”. A way of recalling the main lines of “Agenda” (in other words, goals) of the European Union in which we find in particular: “La protection of the climate, health and the quality of our food”, “a fairer, more inclusive Europe”, “a Europe of equality between women and men”, “a Europe equipped with the means to defend itself” ...

2:14 p.m. : If you watch Emmanuel Macron’s speech (which is his first major speech since his re-election), you have heard that the presidential election was mentioned: “France has once again clearly chosen Europe by giving me a new mandate to work with all of you to build a stronger and more sovereign Europe”did he declare.

2:09 p.m. : “However, we are not at war with Russia. For the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, for the return of peace to our continent, it belongs only to Ukraine to define the conditions for negotiations with Russia.”

2:07 p.m. : “For justice to speak, we fight and we will fight against impunity for the unspeakable crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.”

2:06 p.m. : “What is our objective in the face of Russia’s unilateral decision to attack the Ukrainian people? To end this war as soon as possible, to do everything so that Ukraine can hold out and Russia never wins.”

2:12 p.m. : “Today, on May 9, freedom and hope for the future have the face of the European Union. It is in the name of this freedom and this hope that we support and continue to support Ukraine, its President Volodymir Zelensky and all the Ukrainian people.”

Unsurprisingly, Emmanuel Macron immediately evokes the war in Ukraine, welcoming “the Ukrainian people who fight for freedom”. His speech should last fifteen minutes.

1:59 p.m. : 20 minutes late, Emmanuel Macron speaks from the European Parliament in Strasbourg, on the occasion of the europe day. Follow his speech in our live.


12:03 : At noon, here are the main news headlines:

Emmanuel Macron travels to Strasbourg and Berlin to relaunch his European commitment. In particular, he must deliver a speech to praise a more powerful Europe. Follow our live.

The May 9 parade took place this morning in Russia, to commemorate the end of the Second World War. Vladimir Putin justified the intervention in Ukraine in reaction to a “unacceptable threat”.

Ukrainian authorities have reported 60 dead after the “complete destruction” of a school in a village in the east of the country. Here is what we know about this bombardment in Luhansk.

It will be very hot from tomorrow on a large part of France. We asked three questions to a forecaster from Météo France to find out if this episode is really exceptional.

08:54 : From the European Coal and Steel Community to the Europe of 28 (which reverted to 27 after Brexit), via the Treaty of Rome, the Treaty of Maastricht and the creation of the Euro, the European construction is a long process. The website of the European Union offers you a very complete chronology to immerse yourself in this history. The Touteleurope.eu site also provides an update on the stages of the expansion of the European family.

08:47 : Hello. It’s Europe Day. Will you do a little recap of its creation and evolution? How it works maybe? Will you talk about the women and men who have worked / are working for its success?

08:47 : Hello. I hope you won’t saturate us with Putin, his army, his show of force etc… Thank you. May 9 is especially for us Europeans, EUROPE DAY 🙂 Perhaps the opportunity to recall the circumstances of its creation, its role etc. Thank you for your work.

07:14 : Hello @Europ. Yes, 9 May marks Europe Day, because on that day we remember the declaration of 9 May 1950 by Robert Schuman, then French Foreign Minister, announcing the project to create the European Coal Community and steel (ECSC). This step is considered the first step in European construction.

06:51 : Europe Day?

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