Emmanuel Macron refused the resignation of the Prime Minister


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Tuesday June 21, 2022, Emmanuel Macron refused the resignation of the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne. The President of the Republic must receive the leaders of the political parties of the opposition in the afternoon.

Emmanuel Macron refused the resignation of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, Tuesday, June 21. The entourage of the Head of State indicates that the resignation of the Prime Minister could not be accepted for practical and technical reasons. According to him, a resigning government could not take important decisions and decrees planned in the coming days, for example on Parcoursup and on the point of index of civil servants.

The government will meet, meanwhile, during the day. Thus, a working meeting is organized at Matignon. During this time, the President of the Republic will continue to receive the political forces of the Assembly. After Christian Jacob, Tuesday morning, it is the turn, in particular, of the leader of the Communists, Fabien Roussel, or even Marine Le Pen for the National Rally.

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