Emmanuel Macron “recalled the presumption of innocence”, limits himself to commenting on Isabelle Rome

For the former Minister Delegate in charge of Gender Equality, “the most important thing”, “these are still the actions” of the President of the Republic. Isabelle Rome cites on Wednesday the Grenelle of domestic violence which he initiated.


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Isabelle Rome, former Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, guest of franceinfo Wednesday January 3, 2024. (FRANCEINFO)

“As head of state”Emmanuel Macron “recalled the presumption of innocence” speaking on the Gérard Depardieu affair, declares Isabelle Rome, former Minister Delegate in charge of Gender Equality, Wednesday January 3 on franceinfo. The first president of the chamber at the Versailles Court of Appeal reacts to the president’s comments on France 5 on December 20.

That day, the head of state also affirmed that the actor, targeted by two complaints for rape and sexual assault, and indicted in one of the two cases, “makes France proud”. Questioned about these comments, and visibly uncomfortable, Isabelle Rome simply replied that she did not “no further comments to make”.

“Most important”for her, “these are still the actions”. Indeed, “it is under the leadership of this president that all this proactive policy was carried out, in particular this Grenelle [des violences conjugales]which means that today we have this encouraging sign, since we have a certain drop in feminicides”.

In 2023, 94 women were killed by their spouse or ex-spouse, according to a provisional figure communicated by the chancellery on Tuesday January 2. This represents a drop of 20% after the 118 femicides recorded the previous year.

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