Video length: 2 min
European Union: Emmanuel Macron proposes to pool nuclear deterrence
Emmanuel Macron wants to open the debate on ways to improve European defense, including by integrating France’s nuclear deterrent. The opposition has issued strong criticism.
Emmanuel Macron wants to open the debate on ways to improve European defense, including by integrating France’s nuclear deterrent. The opposition has issued strong criticism.
A time discussed behind the scenes, Emmanuel Macron now wants to put the subject on the table. In the wake of his speech at La Sorbonne on Europe, he mentioned in an interview with the Ebra group, Sunday April 28, the possibility of pooling nuclear deterrence on a European scale.
A divisive debate in the opposition
His comments sparked outcry from the opposition. The head of the European list Les Républicains, François-Xavier Bellamy, castigates an absurd debate. “We are touching the very nerve of French sovereignty”, did he declare. For Marine Le Pen, it is also a question of threats to French sovereignty. For Marie Toussaint, head of the environmentalist list, “Europe must be stronger, equipped with diplomacy and a common force”. France Insoumise is standing up against these proposals. The debate promises to be particularly divisive.