Emmanuel Macron proposes to index retirement pensions to inflation this summer, “an emergency and justice measure”, says Bruno Le Maire

Emmanuel Macron has announced that he wants to index retirement pensions to inflation this summer. It’s about a “emergency measure, a measure of justice”, said Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy, and representative of presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, Thursday April 7 on franceinfo. Retirement pensions are usually indexed to inflation on January 1 of each year, which “may very well” be the case in January 2023, even after the indexation which would be done this summer, added Bruno Le Maire.

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The Minister of Economy insisted “on Emmanuel Macron’s total determination to protect all French people” against the consequences of the price increase, including pensioners “who have the feeling of being taken by the throat by inflation”. “The person who is 66, 67, who receives her retirement pension, when she goes to the supermarket, when she pays for her packet of pasta, it has increased, when she takes her car, she fills up, the price has increased despite the discount of 18 cents. Everything costs more and her income is the same because she is retired, it’s distressing”summed up Bruno Le Maire.

For this reason, the Minister justified the need not to “to be satisfied” the 1% increase in pensions granted in January 2022. “The decision proposed by candidate Emmanuel Macron is to say next summer, we will make a new revaluation to match inflation”, he said. Inflation is currently “by just over 4%”this revaluation “will be of this order of magnitude there”continued Bruno Le Maire, convinced “that it will be necessary to open a more global reflection” on this decision “emergency”, “now that we are entering an era of higher inflation”.

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