Emmanuel Macron proposes to appoint the Minister of Territorial Cohesion Jacqueline Gourault to the Constitutional Council

This institution is made up of nine appointed members, plus ex officio members. Their mandate lasts nine years and cannot be renewed, to ensure their independence.

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Emmanuel Macron proposed, Tuesday, February 15, to appoint to the Constitutional Council the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Jacqueline Gourault (MoDem), who should therefore leave the government.

The President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand (LREM), proposed, in a separate press release, to appoint Véronique Malbec, former director of the National School of the Judiciary (ENM) and current director of the cabinet of the guard des Sceaux, as a member of the Constitutional Council, to another position which will become vacant in the coming weeks.

The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher (LR), is considering appointing State Councilor François Seners.

These three appointments will be submitted to the vote of the deputies and senators who are members of the law commissions of the assemblies. These personalities are intended to succeed three women, respectively Nicole Maestracci, Claire Bazy Malaurie and Dominique Lottin, by March 14.

The Constitutional Council, currently chaired by Laurent Fabius, is made up of nine appointed members, plus ex officio members. Their mandate lasts nine years and cannot be renewed, to ensure their independence.

The Elders of the rue de Montpensier are the supreme judges of the presidential election: they ensure its regularity, examine complaints and announce the results of the ballot. They also ensure the regularity of referendum operations. They are also responsible for disputes related to the election of parliamentarians. They are also the judges of the constitutionality of laws.

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