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Emmanuel Macron spoke to the European Parliament about the possible creation of a new European community. He would like to put this new framework in place to react more quickly to the situation in Ukraine.
For his first trip since his re-election, Emmanuel Macron went to the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). He proposed the creation of a new European community which would make it possible to open up beyond the borders of the union. This framework could help to respond quickly to Ukraine knocking on the doors of the EU. “We all know perfectly well that the process allowing them to join would take several years, indeed, probably several decades”underlines the President of the Republic.
The answer that could be given is no longer a taboo: it would consist in breaking the unanimity of the 27 to adopt new treaties. “I’ve always argued that unanimity voting in some key areas just doesn’t make sense anymore if we’re going to be able to move forward faster.”, says Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The objective is to avoid blockages as currently concerning the embargo on Russian oil or the possibility of giving a more important role to Europe in areas such as defense or health. 13 countries, including Sweden and Denmark, were hostile to this reform project.