Emmanuel Macron proposes a reduction in inheritance tax



Article written by

A.Peyrout, T.Petit, M.Larguet, N.Coadou, G.Pinol A.Dupont, P.Lagaune, S.Dauba, E.Piquereau, D.Fuet, S.Ripaud – France 2

France Televisions

Thursday March 17, Emmanuel Macron, candidate for the 2022 presidential election, at proposed in its program a reduction in inheritance tax. This measure is shared by other candidates.

Today, each parent can bequeath 100,000 euros to each of their children, without paying taxes. Emmanuel Macron proposes, Thursday, March 17, to raise this ceiling to 150,000 euros per child. I don’t see why children should pay for something that parents have already paid for the first time”observes a man. Like many French people, he considers this tax unfair.

For his part, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate (Upright France) in the presidential election, proposes zero inheritance tax on the principal residence. Unsurprisingly, he makes us a very unfair inheritance tax proposal“, denounces Yannick Jadotenvironmentalist candidate in the presidential election, for whom this reform will benefit the richest. Currently, with the reduction already in force, nearly ¾ of French people who inherit do not pay inheritance tax.

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