Emmanuel Macron proposes a decarbonization pact to industrialists

The Head of State promised the managers of the fifty French industrial sites that emit the most CO2 a doubling of public aid to 10 billion euros in exchange for a doubling of their efforts to fight against greenhouse gas emissions.

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Emmanuel Macron proposed Tuesday, November 8 a decarbonation pact to the industrialists who emit the most CO2 in France. “If projects and sites are identified within 18 months, if you double your efforts, if we manage to go from 10 million tonnes of CO2 avoided to 20 million educated, we will double the resources devoted to this issue and the envelope of 5 to 10 billion euros of support”, launched the Head of State to the industrialists gathered at the Elysée Palace. To achieve this effort, the Head of State also announced that the government would carry out a precise planning for six months and in the years to come, “sector by sector”.

The leaders of the fifty most CO2-emitting French industrial sites were received in the village hall of the Elysée. These 50 sites alone account for 30,000 jobs and half of industry’s emissions, ie 10% of the country’s emissions. Emmanuel Macron insisted on his desire to accelerate the fight against climate change, after a first five-year term considered too timid in the matter by environmental specialists. But also to reindustrialize.

“Decarbonization is one of the elements that should allow us to continue to create industrial employment.”

Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic

at the Elysee

Addressing industrialists, he asked that “ecological transition contracts” are signed to engrave in stone the promised efforts, site by site, and sector by sector as well, under the aegis of the Minister of Industry. “We will put the map of France of the 50 sites online” the highest CO2 emitters to track progress, he promised.

The north of France is the region with the most emissions, with 12 million tonnes of CO2 emitted, followed by the Marseille-Fos basin with just over 10 million tonnes of CO2, and the mouth of the Seine in Normandy.

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