Emmanuel Macron proposes a common tax return for cohabiting couples


Article written by

A.Peyrout, D.Karcher-Mourgues, A.Sarlat M.Marini – France 2

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron, candidate for the 2022 presidential election, proposed on Monday March 21 that couples in a common-law relationship could declare their taxes jointly.

Emmanuel Macron, candidate for the presidential election, proposes in his program that couples in common-law unions can declare their taxes jointly, like married or PACS couples. Cohabiting couples could thus save money. “In free union, we cannot know if they are really together or not”, asks a woman. For others, it will allow equality between couples. “To the extent that purchasing power drops and taxes and expenses increase, it can be a solution to make money”observes a man.

However, if implemented, the measure would not benefit all common-law couples. “When there are large differences in income between the two members of the tax household, it could be advantageous, because it would reduce the amount of tax linked to the highest income”explains Alain Besse, tax lawyer.

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