This boost announced Thursday will concern teachers of all levels. Additional remunerated missions may also be carried out on a voluntary basis.
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Long-awaited increases. Visiting a college in Hérault, Thursday April 20, Emmanuel Macron announced a “unconditional rise” salary of 100 to 230 euros net monthly for teachers, “at all career levels” And “from the start of the school year”. The announced increase will be increased “up to 500 euros per month” for those who accept new missions, on a voluntary basis, added the Head of State.
This device is intended for “early career teachers benefiting from the salary increase” and that “engage in three complementary missions”, said Thursday the Ministry of National Education in a press kit. VSincreases will provide “the possibility of earning between 5,000 and 6,800 euros more gross per year, i.e. a 13th month” Or “a 14th month for some teachers”summarizes the document.
Insufficient announcements according to the unions
For Sophie Vénétitay, the general secretary of the SNES-FSU union, this increase is not up to the demands of the teaching staff. “It’s a missed meeting of Emmanuel Macron with the world of national education”she judged Thursday at the microphone of franceinfo.
Above all, this announcement is far from the president’s campaign promises, she denounces, recalling that the candidate Macron “had promised 10% increase for all teachers without compensation”. Gold, “there he announces figures of 100 to 230 euros per month, which corresponds to 1.9 billion euros”. According to his calculations, “to increase all teachers by 10% without a new mission, it was necessary to put 3.6 billion on the table”. For the Secretary General, these announcements are “very far from the promises” and don’t catch up “salary dropout”.