Emmanuel Macron procrastinates and sets his limits


Video length: 2 min

Emmanuel Macron in “C to you”

The Head of State gave details on the future law on the end of life – (FRANCE TELEVISIONS)

Questioned on France 5 on Wednesday, the head of state declared that the proposed reform will not concern children and certain patients.

The proposed law on the end of life is becoming clearer. While he was the guest of the show “C à vous” on France 5 on Wednesday December 20, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, said “take the time” concerning this text, after the organization of a citizens’ convention on this theme almost a year ago. On this text, as anticipated as it is sensitive, the executive has pushed back the deadline several times, to the great dismay of supporters of a change in legislation.

Expected for the month of February 2024, this text will not be “not a law that affects children”warned the head of state. “We will not pass a law that deals with psychiatric cases, mentally retarded people or people who want to commit suicide for mental health problems”he added.

Taking as an example a patient suffering from a disease “hopeless”, Emmanuel Macron wants this reform to give him the possibility “in conditions of deliberation with one’s family, in medically supervised conditions, to have a dignified end of life and to have a response which is more adapted, more human than the one we have today”.

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