Emmanuel Macron presents the priorities of the French presidency




Article written by

J. Wittenberg, J. Assouly, G. Georghita, E. Sizarols, L. Lavieille – franceinfo

France Televisions

Thursday, December 9, Emmanuel Macron detailed his proposals concerning several subjects within the European Union. The French presidency of the EU starts on January 1st.

Emmanuel Macron spoke of the French presidency of the European Union on Thursday, December 9, which will begin from January 1. He unveiled a new logo, a new two-euro coin and then the Head of State described a Europe he wants powerful and sovereign. He proposed a reform of the Schengen area to cope with the migratory shock. “We absolutely must find a Europe that knows how to protect its borders and find a political organization on the migration issue that puts us in a position to defend its values”, he says.

Regarding the climate issue, Emmanuel Macron wants to fight against imported deforestation. Buying wood, cocoa or palm oil, when it contributes to destroying forests, would be prohibited. On the Maastricht budgetary criteria, the rule of 3% never to be exceeded has obviously had its day. “We will not make these transitions successful, we will not bring them continent-wide if we go back to a fiscal framework that was created in the early 1990s.”, considers the President of the Republic.

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