A demonstration “against far-right ideas” is planned for Tuesday in Béziers, in Hérault, whose mayor, Robert Ménard, is “a central actor in the alliance between the right and the extreme right”, according to the general secretary of the CGT.
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“Emmanuel Macron unfortunately plays a central role in this normalization” of the RN, deplores Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, on France Bleu Hérault, while a demonstration is to take place on Tuesday April 23 in Béziers, in Hérault, “against far-right ideas”, to the call of several unions (CGT, CFDT, FSU Solidaires, UNSA), and supported by several political parties and associations.
Béziers is the only city in France where this march is organized. “The positions of Robert Ménard [maire de Béziers] are extreme right positions.assures Sophie Binet. “For example, he has an ability to rewrite history which is very particular, to erase France’s collaborationist past, rewrite history on the Algerian war, etc.”
However, Robert Ménard presents himself as “various right”. “This is part of the extreme right’s strategy of normalization and trivialization,” according to the general secretary of the CGT. “It’s a display strategy, but Robert Ménard is a central actor in the alliance between the right and the extreme right. This is what he is trying to organize, because he knows that to access the power, the extreme right must break the glass ceiling of its demonization, it must normalize itself and therefore it must make alliances with the right.
The far right, “worst enemy” of workers
She hopes there will be “thousands” of demonstrators on Tuesday, and denounces the government’s double game. “It is very important to show that, contrary to the unprecedented normalization and trivialization of far-right ideas in France, undertaken by Marine le Pen, and by Emmanuel Macron who unfortunately plays a central role in this normalization, that these ideas still do not pass and that the extreme right is still the worst enemy of workers.”
According to Sophie Binet, the extreme right “divides the world of work and it allows capital, business management, to have complete peace of mind to continue to steal the fruit of our labor”she concludes.