The Congress of Parliament is the meeting of the two chambers, the Senate and the National Assembly. To revise the Constitution, a 3/5th majority vote of the parliamentarians thus assembled is necessary.
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The potential constitutionalization of abortion is becoming clearer. Emmanuel Macron plans for the Congress meeting to be held on March 4, he said in a letter sent Monday, November 20 to the leaders of the parties present at the meetings in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), consulted Tuesday by the AFP. Furthermore, the President of the Republic confirms in his letter that he wants to present the draft constitutional law aimed at including abortion in the Constitution to the Council of Ministers on December 13.
The Congress of Parliament is the meeting of the two chambers, the Senate and the National Assembly. To revise the Constitution, a three-fifths majority vote of the parliamentarians thus assembled is necessary.
La France insoumise withdraws its bill
“Since we finally have a timetable on the constitutionalization of abortion, we have removed the bill from the agenda” of the day reserved for rebellious texts on November 30, announced the president of the La France insoumise group, Mathilde Panot, during a press briefing at the Assembly.
Even if the wording chosen by the government to constitutionalize abortion is not that proposed by the rebellious deputies, “I believe we need this political signal. I hope that the work has been done so that this formulation can find broad agreement” in Parliament, continued the elected representative from Val-de-Marne.
According to a preparatory version of the draft constitutional law, consulted by AFP in early November, the following wording was retained: “The law determines the conditions under which a woman’s freedom is exercised, which is guaranteed to her, to have recourse to a voluntary termination of pregnancy.”