The controversial reform of vocational high schools provides in particular for an extension of the internship period, according to information from franceinfo.
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Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye, that of Labor Olivier Dussopt and the Minister Delegate for Vocational Education and Training Carole Grandjean will be Thursday, May 4 at the Bernard Palissy high school in Saintes, in Charente-Maritime, to announce the reform of vocational high schools, indicates the Élysée to franceinfo. A speech by the Head of State is expected for 12:15 p.m. In France, one in three high school students is in a vocational school.
>> Education: we explain to you why the reform of the vocational high school is controversial
According to information from franceinfo, the internship period must be extended, even if an extension of 50%, initially planned, was abandoned after numerous criticisms. The main teachers’ unions in vocational high schools, which are opposed to this measure, among others, organized several days of strikes at the end of last year. The closure of the least inclusive sectors is also envisaged, in favor of the opening of others, in the fields of digital technology and ecology for example.
Paid internships
The government also wants to better support students in basic education, in particular by offering more courses in half-groups. The reform must also ratify the principle of compulsory gratification for internships and aims to better connect vocational high schools to the business world. However, the application of the text will not be uniform, with particularities according to the territories, the economic basins or the profile of the pupils.