Emmanuel Macron officially candidate for his succession



Article written by

S.Cimino, T.Maillet, A.Sarlat, V.Landolfini, France 3 Regions – France 3

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron is officially a candidate for the presidential election, 37 days from the first round. His letter to the French, published in the regional daily press on Friday March 4, is intended to be a pledge of closeness, while this campaign will be unlike any other given the war in Ukraine. The other candidates are worried about a lack of debate.

In Nantes (Loire Atlantique)on the morning of Friday March 4, activists from La République En Marche distribute leaflets for Emmanuel Macron’s candidacy for the presidential elections. On the front page of all the regional daily press, the letter to the French from the president-candidate was difficult to avoid. Little surprise for those interviewed by 19/20: He has been a candidate for a very long time. He behaves like a candidate and, even without saying so, it seemed obvious to me that he was going to declare himself“says a man.

The Ukrainian crisis will not allow Emmanuel Macron to run his campaign as he would have liked. Nevertheless, for his opponents, the time for debate has come. The democratic debate that I am asking for, project against project, will finally be able to take place“, writes on Twitter the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo. The first trip of the candidate is planned for Monday, March 7.

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