Emmanuel Macron mocked by American comedian Jimmy Fallon in a parody campaign song



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Glass of wine and baguette in hand, the presenter of the famous “Tonight Show” of the NBC channel appears copen shirt and hairy chest, like in a recent photo of the president-candidate.

A funny video? American comedian Jimmy Fallon put himself in the (hairy) skin of French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday, April 20, by unveiling “a song about his chest hair”. After the publication of a recent photo of the French president open shirt, the presenter of the NBC’s “Tonight Show” claims that the candidate asked him to reveal a new “campaign song”which he interprets himself, as a lookalike of the candidate, red wine and baguette in hand.

“Hello, it’s me, with my chest hair, you see. Do you think I’m sexy? I really hope so”hums the actor, before linking a few verses and concluding: “In 2022, if you all vote for me, I’ll whisper to you… thank you.”

On Monday, Emmanuel Macron had already been mocked for this relaxed shot in “C à vous”, on France 5. “You are trying to seduce the fans of BHL and Demis Roussos. My question is simple: why?”had joked the columnist Bertrand Chameroy, seated next to the candidate. “It was very, very hot in Marseille”replied the latter, hilarious, claiming to have “validated the series” photos without paying attention to this shot in particular, “passed a bit quickly”.

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