Emmanuel Macron met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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3:07 p.m. : The French and Indonesian presidents will work together to “a real strategic partnership” in the Indo-Pacific. This was announced by the Elysee Palace on the occasion of a meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Joko Widowo which took place on the sidelines of the G20 in Rome. During a half-hour meeting, the two heads of state discussed the situation in this vast region with growing economic weight and subject to rivalry between China and the United States. Follow our live.

2:27 p.m. : “No, of course not, I’m not ruling it out.”

On the sidelines of the G20 in Rome, the British Prime Minister warned that London was ready to activate for the first time a legal recourse before the European Union to settle its dispute with France over fishing licenses.

2:02 p.m. : It is 2 pm. Here is a new reminder of the news:

Emmanuel Macron arrived in Rome for the G20. The Head of State was welcomed by the President of the Italian Council, Mario Draghi. On the program of this new summit: the fight against Covid-19, global economic recovery, and above all climate. Follow our live.

The opening of COP26 is tomorrow. Leaders and protesters from all over the world are arriving in Glasgow.

After Ardèche, Gard and Lozère, Météo-France this morning placed the Var in orange “rain-flood” vigilance.

New Caledonia relaxes (a little) its measures against Covid-19. The need to have a compelling reason to travel to the archipelago will be lifted on Monday.

1:10 p.m. : Barely arrived in Rome, Emmanuel Macron calls for solidarity with his G20 partners. “With the countries that have less, France has already shared 67 million doses of vaccines. We will reach 120 million by mid-2022. (…) Let’s accelerate our efforts. (…) It’s together that we will beat the virus “, writes the head of state.

12:28 : Joe Biden admitted yesterday that the United States had been “clumsy” with France in the matter of the Australian submarine contract. A new stage in the “reconciliation” operation that the two leaders have started. And it is precisely a photo “hand on the shoulder” that the New York Times chose to make her daily cover story.

2:01 p.m. : It’s all hot, here is your current meal tray:

Emmanuel Macron has arrived in Rome to participate in the G20. The Head of State was welcomed by the President of the Italian Council, Mario Draghi. On the program of this new summit: the fight against Covid-19, global economic recovery, and above all climate. Follow our live.

The opening of COP 26 is tomorrow. Leaders and protesters from all over the world are arriving in Glasgow.

After Ardèche, Gard and Lozère, Météo-France this morning placed the Var in orange “rain-flood” vigilance.

New Caledonia relaxes its measures against Covid-19. The need to have a compelling reason to travel to the archipelago will be lifted on Monday.

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