Emmanuel Macron met Giorgia Meloni, the new head of the transalpine government

He is the first head of state that Giorgia Meloni has met since taking office.

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Emmanuel Macron finally met the new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, on the evening of Sunday October 23, in Rome, a few hours after the entry into office of the most right-wing government in Italy since 1946.

The meeting took place in the center of the Italian capital and not in an official palace. The Italian press speaks for its part of a scheduled interview in a hotel, on the sidelines of the peace summit which opened on Sunday. The discussions lasted about two hours.

The French Head of State, who had not spoken on the subject since the appointment of Giorgia Meloni unlike the German Chancellor, the American President and the representatives of the European institutions, is therefore the first foreign leader to meet the new head of the Italian government.

Until the end, Paris had been very cautious about the possibility and even the advisability of such a tete-a-tete, the arrival of Emmanuel Macron in Rome being reserved in priority for a speech on peace delivered on Sunday. at an international forum and an audience with Pope Francis scheduled for Monday morning.

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