Emmanuel Macron maintains his desire to reform the system, with some nuances

During his televised interview on Wednesday, the head of state returned to the pension issue. The President of the Republic has confirmed his desire to reform the system, but without rushing.

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Nothing new on the pension file during the intervention of Emmanuel Macron, Wednesday, December 15 on TF1 and LCI. The Head of State reiterated his willingness to go “to an exit“special diets but its initial intention to pass the 42 existing regimes to one is now a long way off. The health crisis has passed by there, the French are tired, so no need to load the boat. The subject is too anxiety-provoking in the current context, especially four months before the presidential election.

One thing is certain: there will be no reform before the next legislature. Given that the current head of state is still not officially a candidate, nothing says that it is he who will lead this reform. Nevertheless, Emmanuel Macron believes that we must move towards a simplified system, with three major regimes: one for the public service, another for private employees, a last for the self-employed. There would also be three main principles: adapting working time to work, thinking about the difficulty of certain tasks and rethinking the work of seniors.

This is the heart of the pension reform: to produce more by raising the employment and activity rate, that is to say that there are more young people and seniors in the labor market. Work longer to have a richer and stronger country, capable of financing its own social system. That’s the equation: we live longer, so we will have to work longer.

Above all, this philosophy will have to be well explained in order to convince the French concerned and the social partners. Hence the urgency to wait, to prepare the ground. Obviously, the pension reform promises to be one of the major debates of the presidential campaign. This debate must be “democratic”, according to the wishes of the one who is still a tenant of the Élysée, at least until next spring.

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