Emmanuel Macron lends himself again to the game of the traditional National Day interview



France 2

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Emmanuel Macron had not accepted a presidential interview for two years. Thursday, July 14, the Head of State discussed many topics with Caroline Roux and Anne-Claire Coudray. Journalist Valerie Structure was live from the Elysée gardens, near the plateau where the president was preparing to to engage in exercise.

Thursday July 14, Emmanuel Macron granted a presidential interview on the occasion of the national holiday, when he had not engaged in the exercise for two years. “The many tensions, economic, geostrategic but also political uncertainties oblige him to address the French to clarify the course, and he will have to provide concrete answers”, explains the journalist Valérie Astruc, live from the gardens of the Élysée.

“The president had to clarify his new political role, his new method while his majority is in the grip of the National Assembly. What does he intend to do if the blockages continue? In private, the president confides to us: ‘I don’t I have neither the age nor the temperament to do nothing. I’m combative, in a good way'”reports the journalist. The duration of the interview is estimated at 40 minutes.

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