Emmanuel Macron leaves room for doubt


France 2

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Emmanuel Macron gave an interview to La Voix du Nord, he returns in particular to the purchasing power and the migratory situation.

“This is what I will wear” : If Emmanuel Macron has not commented on a possible presidential candidacy, this sentence from the Head of State leaves room for doubt after a question from the journalist of La Voix du Nord. The President of the Republic refers to an interview with Jacques Chirac who wanted to restore hope in 1994, also a reference to Éric Zemmour, an undeclared but highly publicized candidate, whose latest book is entitled: La France Did Not said his last word.

Finally, the use of the future in the Head of State’s response suggests that the way is not closed. Another subject raised, the purchasing power of the French. Emmanuel Macron specified that an increase in wages should be studied sector by sector. Regarding immigration, the President of the Republic wants to strengthen cooperation with the British.

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