“Emmanuel Macron is totally non-existent on the international scene”, deplores Christian Jacob

“What a waste of time! You realize that the President of the French Republic has not met the Russian President for more than two and a half years”lamented Christian Jacob, President of the Republicans, this Friday on franceinfo, while the Elysee Palace announced that the President of the Republic would meet Vladimir Putin on Monday in Moscow then Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday in Kiev. “Emmanuel Macron is totally non-existent on the international scene, we are going from failure to failure quite simply because he did not know how to maintain this relational network with the Heads of State and Government as all his predecessors did. “he added.

There is “no initiative from the President of the Republic French”, “it’s incredible”, denounces Christian Jacob. For him, “Ukraine has nothing to do in NATO. (…) In the same way as when we opened the debate on the integration of Ukraine into the European Union, for me the Ukraine has nothing to do with the European Union.” The boss of the LR party regrets that“We cut off all dialogue with Russia. And indeed, it’s hard to rebuild today.” For him, “we are very far from the initiatives of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008 on Georgia where contact has always been maintained with the Russian president”.

For Christian Jacob, “to be in direct contact” with Vladimir Putin, “that does not mean agreeing on everything (…) Simply France has a privileged role that it has always been able to play and which has not been played since Emmanuel Macron became President of the Republic”. “He goes from ranting to ranting, but once the verb has been high, the action is zero”launches Christian Jacob.

The president of the Republicans also strongly criticized the management of Emmanuel Macron on the Malian file, while the French ambassador was expelled from the country. “France cannot be humiliated”, he said, adding that we should not leave the Sahel.

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