Marine Tondelier rejects the method of the President of the Republic who, according to her, has “very little involved youth and civil society” in the construction of this “water plan”, while this resource is “a common good”. In addition, she urges the agricultural world to “adapt its production” to droughts and lack of water.
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“Emmanuel Macron tackles the consequences of the problem without tackling the causes, that is to say climate change”, denounces Thursday March 30 on franceinfo Marine Tondelier, the national secretary of EELV. Emmanuel Macron presented Thursday at Lake Serre-Ponçon (Hautes-Alpes) his water plan. In particular, it plans to pass “to 10% reuse of wastewater in France by 2030” or to set up a “sobriety plan” on water, which should concern “energy, industry, tourism, leisure, agriculture”by summer. “It has to be fair”retorts Marine Tondelier.
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For the national secretary of EELV, this plan was only thought out with “a lot of lobbying”. “There is a lack of parity and the diversity of the ages of those who talk about water. This is a subject that concerns young people, civil society which has been very little involved when water is a common good We can clearly see the tensions caused by this subject. The French people really need to take up this subject”.
Need a model change
The national secretary of Europe Ecology Les Verts launches a new appeal to the agricultural world to “adapt its production” to these droughts and lack of water. For Marine Tondelier, we must think about future crops today, because with the rise in mercury, “we will no longer grow the same things in the same place”. The national secretary of EELV also invites “to think about our meat consumption by asking the question of the cost and consumption of water” that its production entails. To cope with these changes and the possible many droughts to come, Marine Tondelier wishes “a change in the model of society” who is not “not obliged to be in pain” and could lead, according to her, to “a fairer model of society”.