“Emmanuel Macron is not credible or respected by Vladimir Putin”, according to Eric Zemmour

For the presidential candidate, the possible European sanctions against Russia, which on Monday recognized theindependence of pro-Russian separatist regions andn Ukraine, are “useless” because it “does not need us”.

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“The problem is that Emmanuel Macron is not credible and he is not respected by Vladimir Putin”, said the candidate Reconquest! in the presidential Eric Zemmour Tuesday February 22 on France Inter, after the announcement the day before by the Russian president of the recognition of the independence of the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donestk and Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine, despite the attempts at negotiations and mediation by the French president.

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“Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said, when Emmanuel Macron came to Moscow and he took the plane, that he came to seek an agreement but this agreement is impossible since he is a member of two organizations, the European Union and NATO, of which he is not the boss”explains the candidate.

“France and Germany never forced Ukraine to enforce these Minsk 2 agreements [pour faire respecter le cessez-le-feu dans le Donbass en février 2015] so Vladimir Putin had enough in the end and took these measures by force, I readily admit it and obviously one can criticize it, but it is necessary to understand”he adds.

Eric Zemmour thinks that the possible European sanctions are not useful “to nothing” because “Russia today does not need us. She can get everything she wants from the Chinese. They have a privileged alliance. This is the great result of American policy and the policy of submission of France”.

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