Emmanuel Macron invites party leaders for a new meeting in Saint-Denis on November 17

A similar meeting had already taken place at the end of August, in the same place, with the leaders of the political forces.



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Emmanuel Macron in Brussels (Belgium), October 27, 2023. (NICOLAS ECONOMOU / NURPHOTO / AFP)

In a letter sent on Sunday, November 5, Emmanuel Macron invites party leaders to a new meeting on November 17 in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), France Télévisions learned, confirming information from the daily Le Figaro. A similar meeting had already taken place at the end of August, in the same place. The President of the Republic proposes in particular to continue “reflections on the avenues for development of the referendum”, according to the document that France Télévisions was able to consult.

On the referendum, while none “consensus” had not been found previously, Emmanuel Macron proposes new work, where “everyone will be able to react and propose changes”. Three other topics will be on the agenda: “the international situation”, “a mission relating to decentralization”, as well as “Corsica, New Caledonia and more generally the Overseas Territories”.

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