Emmanuel Macron instructs Elisabeth Borne to form a “new government of action” in early July

Clarification operation before new consultations to compensate for the absence of an absolute majority after the legislative elections.

In an interview with AFP on Saturday, Emmanuel Macron first confirmed the Prime Minister in her post. “Seeing both the refusals and the availabilities” who expressed themselves during the first exchanges with the political forces, “I have decided today to confirm my confidence in Elisabeth Borne”, explained the Head of State. And to insist: “She has my confidence in the long term“.

New government of action in the first days of July

Over the next week, she will sound out the political groups in the National Assembly on a “government agreement”their very participation in a government, their position on the vote of confidence in their government a priori on July 5, and also on the vote on the state budget next fall.

“On my return from the G7 and NATO (which is being held until Thursday, editor’s note), the Prime Minister will submit to me proposals for a roadmap for the government of France over the coming months and years, and also for the composition of a new government of action at the service of France that we will put in place in the first days of July”, said the head of state.

This government may be joined by representatives of political forces ready to cooperate with the majority. the traced “path” “responds to what the French are asking of us: dialogue, respect and listening to meet their expectations and emergencies together”, immediately greeted the Prime Minister on Twitter.

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No RN or LFI in the “new government of action”?

On the spectrum of the political partners envisaged, Emmanuel Macron excluded the RN and LFI from the field of government parties. “It will be communists to the LRs. The French have granted legitimacy to the RN and LFI deputies and these parties have a political formation. I do not confuse the extremes but by their expression, their positioning – I have always been clear on this subject -, these parties do not register as government parties”.

The boss of the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot reacted on social networks in the evening: “We are not a party of HIS government of social abuse and ecological inaction which wants to retire at 65”.

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A “presidential project” which “could be amended or enriched”

Another important reminder: the Head of State made it clear that the basis of the discussions with the Prime Minister will be the “framework of the presidential project and that of the presidential majority, which may be amended or enriched”.

And this, with a red line of “not to increase taxes or the debt”. Even if it means putting the thorny subject of pension reform back on the table.

Despite his setback in the legislative elections last Sunday, Emmanuel Macron has not given up on his reform aimed at “work longer” the French, “as all our neighbors do, taking into account working conditions and therefore the rules of hardship, taking into account long careers”. It is, with the reform towards full employment, “the two major reforms that we must carry out in consultation, without totems or taboos, but keeping a course of ambition”he estimated.

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