Emmanuel Macron in the midst of turmoil, his closest collaborators let him go!

Emmanuel Macron is on all fronts! On April 24, Brigitte Macron’s husband was re-elected President of the Republic by winning 58.54% of the vote in a second round of the presidential election against Marine Le Pen. It is therefore a new mandate that has been recorded for the latter. To date, the Head of State is preparing for the legislative elections. The seduction operation has already begun.

For his first major trip since his re-election, Emmanuel Macron decided to make a remarkable appearance in Cergy in Val D’Oise on April 27, 2022. Unfortunately for the politician, his visit turned sour. Indeed, he was the victim of a tomato jet. Fortunately, his security team quickly deployed an umbrella to protect him from projectiles. The former Minister of the Economy is well aware that it divides.

“He’s a big asshole”

But according to our colleagues fromEuropean 1, the main interested party intends to defend tooth and nail the ideas of his party… Even if it means crushing those of his former prime minister Edouard Philippe who would like to put forward his own (Horizons editor’s note) for the legislative elections. An idea that would have had the merit of ulcerating Emmanuel Macron. “No constituency for Horizons, they are idiots! […] He owes me everything and he thinks we’re equal? He smoked the vapors of the port of Le Havre? »would have dropped the tenant of the Elysée.

For Release, a member of the team of a minister has also made some confidences on the subject. The negotiations for the legislative elections promise to be tense. “I have the impression that they want to run over him and that’s good. He’s a big asshole. He pretends to support us and behind he shit in our boots “, revealed the insider. In the columns of the Obsan adviser to the executive retorted: “The only one who breaks our balls is Edouard Philippe. But we’re going to kill him”. It promises…


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