Emmanuel Macron in the countryside, the government faced with the fuel puzzle, the vaccination pass put in place… The informed of franceinfo Monday, January 24

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Monday, January 24.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Monday, January 24.

The themes :

Lhe president traveling in the Creuse : to the question of a student who asks him if he is going “represent” at the next presidential election, Emmanuel Macron replies: “I will announce my decision in due course.” For his part, former President François Hollande casts doubt.

– Increase in fuel prices: Bruno Le Maire refuses to lower taxation. The Minister of the Economy assures him: “The French will not see the color: for 10 cents of reduction, it costs 5 billion euros and that is 5 euros less on the full”. Purchasing power, a theme taken up by the candidate of the National Rally for the presidency.

First day of the vaccination pass : a risk of “drifts” exists according to Alain Fontaine, president of the French society of Maîtres restaurateurs.

The informed

– Jannick Alimi deputy editor-in-chief of the political service of the Parisian-Today-in-France.

– Mariam Pirzadeh, journalist-columnist at France 24

– Lilian Alemagna, head of political department Release.

– Gauthier Vaillant political journalist at The cross.

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