Emmanuel Macron in New Caledonia: “It’s not the Wild West, the Republic must provide security to everyone” (interview with NC la 1ère)

At the end of his brief visit to New Caledonia, in a context of unprecedented violence, Emmanuel Macron detailed the actions that the State will implement to enable the territory to emerge from this crisis. An interview given to NC la 1ère and other Caledonian media.

A lightning visit to renew dialogue, restore order and begin a working mission in order to reach an agreement. Emmanuel Macron’s ambitions were set out upon his arrival in New Caledonia on Thursday May 23. During an interview with NC la 1ère and other Caledonian press outlets, the Head of State specified the stages of this road map to emerge from this extreme crisis which is currently affecting the entire territory.

Let no one count on any form of retreat from the Republic. We do not give in to violence.

Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic

The president did not come to put an end to the constitutional reform on the unfreezing of the electorate in view of the provincial elections. The message was firm. He specifies : “As I speak to you, this reform could be submitted to Congress for a 3/5th vote, or be submitted to the French population and our fellow citizens for a referendum.”

I commit not to force myself to try, for a few weeks, to give appeasement and dialogue another chance and to re-engage it following a process.

Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic

The Head of State, during his meetings with the independence representatives of New Caledonia, requested the immediate lifting of all blockades and points of violence, and a “aclear call for these liftings by the FLNKS, the CCAT and all officials involved“.

Either they have decided politically not to hold them or perhaps they will not be able to hold them… at that point, we will see if it is a political or insurrectional movement.

Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic

Among those invited to the high commission in Nouméa, Christian Téin, spokesperson for the CCAT. This would be a request from the separatists to which Emmanuel Macron says he has acceded.for the sake of efficiency“.

If this call is heard, the state of emergency will be lifted, insisted Emmanuel Macron. A necessary step for the resumption of dialogue and the achievement of a global agreement which will be integrated into the constitution. For this exercise, three missionaries accompanied the president and remained in Caledonia to begin this work. The fixed deadline: one month.

I want to have a word for our compatriots who, for twelve days, have been living the nightmare.

Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic

It’s not the Wild West so the Republic must regain authority on all points and provide security to everyone”reframed Emmanuel Macron.

You have scenes of senseless, unprecedented urban violence. With young and old who are on top of buildings with quasi-military equipment that terrorizes everyone.

23 mobile gendarmerie squadrons, 3,000 law enforcement officers and 130 GIGN and Raid personnel deployed in Caledonia. The president answers this question himself: why in certain neighborhoods we don’t see them… His answer: there are many points in Greater Nouméa, first of all there is work to maintain order which turns out to be time-consuming. And to remind: “Our gendarmes and our police officers did not kill anyone.” Interventions are intended to be measured in order to avoid collateral damage. But the president affirms the desire to “methodically take back each neighborhood” with a level of commitment from law enforcement “as long as necessary even in the absence of a state of emergency“.

The head of state evokes a “extreme racism”. “I received dozens of young people this afternoon, at first they were astonishingly mature. What they told me was their dejection, their worry about the day after and they said to me, ‘We live together'”. Emmanuel Macron who insists on the need to involve young people in the work of rebuilding Caledonia.

Everyone is stunned. The next day, everyone will be a little groggy, because there is this level of violence and you don’t come back from it like that. My conviction is that if everyone rises to the right level of responsibility and seriousness, because of what we are experiencing, everything is permitted, including the best.

“The economic and social damage is massive, unprecedented,” he admits. The State undertakes to provide partial financial support, particularly for reconstruction work. First with a short-term response to manage the emergency. There will be an exceptional procedure to allow the reconstruction of state buildings, schools and colleges.

Support for businesses will be undertaken, in particular thanks to community systems in which the State will participate. An additional ambition: to define an economic diversification strategy.

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