Emmanuel Macron in favor of the administrative “registration” of sex offenders

Emmanuel Macron pledged, Friday April 15 on franceinfo, to set up a file of sex offenders to fight against violence against women. He answered the question of Jeanne Pujos Saint-Genez, 26, a member of the Double Penalty association which denounces the dysfunctions and the absence of results in the reception of complaints by the police.

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The young woman asked him “if there was no way to file sex offenders”, on the model of what is done in the fight against terrorism for S files. “It will be the case, it is part of my written commitments”assured the candidate and outgoing president.

“Someone who has already been the subject of a complaint and / or who has a record linked to domestic violence will be registered in an administrative file”.

Emmanuel Macron

at franceinfo

This type of file is to be differentiated from a judicial file, such as the Fijais (File of perpetrators of sexual or violent offences) for which a conviction is particularly necessary. This administrative registration of sex offenders concerns “people who we know are likely to be violent, because there have already been alerts”, said Emmanuel Macron, from the handrails or complaints started but unfinished. The idea is “to be able to file all these people so that when their companions or future companions come [au commissariat]we can know that it is someone who already has a history and have an additional alert”he added. “We started doing this work that I want to be able to do in continuity”, declared the candidate and incumbent president.

Jeanne Pujos Saint-Genez who claims to have had to go to the police station three times before her complaint was received also asked Emmanuel Macron “what he undertook to do so that the law was applied and complaints received” quickly and in good conditions. “There are several things I have done that I want to strengthen”he replied. “There is now 3919, the number that allows you to call day and night and be directed to a police station, or even to launch the alert”recalled Emmanuel Macron. “Now, we have trained the police and the gendarmes and all those who come out of school are trained on this subject”he continued. “When there are weapons, which is the case in many feminicides, filing a complaint is enough to remove these weapons”, also wanted to highlight the president. He assured that these measures were “being completed”in order to “protect the person who feels insecure at home”, in “giving more resources”with the possibility that it is “placed in another accommodation”.

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Emmanuel Macron also acknowledged that he “there was still a lot to do” concerning the use of electronic bracelets for sex offenders. “There is a cultural change to be made in other ministries, the Interior, Justice, and we will not let go, promised the candidate and outgoing president who had already made the fight against violence against women “the great cause of the quinquennium”, five years ago. “I will do it again for the sequel,” he concluded.

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