Emmanuel Macron in Brussels, reactions to his speech and who to take the head of the finance committee… The informed of franceinfo Thursday, June 23, 2022

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Thursday 23 June 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

– Emmanuel Macron at the European Summit in BrusselsUkraine’s eventual membership at stake. Is the Head of State who is completing the French presidency of the Union weakened?

– The day after his speech, what is the outcome of the president’s offer? Can he widen his relative majority? What happens if there is no coalition?

– Elisabeth Borne at the maneuver, can the prime minister stay?

finance committee, the National Rally claims the presidency

The guests

Nathalie Mauret, political journalist at the Paris office of the EBRA group

Thibaut Deleazjournalist at Le Point magazine

Mathieu Gallarddirector of studies in the Public Affairs department of Ipsos

Roselyne Febvrehead of the political department of France 24

source site-25
