Emmanuel Macron hopes to win in the next six months



Article written by

J. Wittenberg, J. Assouly, G. Gheorghita, E. Sizarols, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron is attacking a new presidency, that of Europe. He gave a press conference on Thursday, December 9, three weeks before the start of the French presidency. It has set its priorities: to reduce greenhouse gases by 55% by 2035, better protect the borders of the Schengen zone, and offer European civic service to those under 25.

It is not always easy to make Europe attractive. France, who is going to chair it, is therefore trying it with a new logo, but also a two-euro coin bearing the image of this presidency and of a Europe that Emmanuel Macron wants. “powerful and sovereign”. Behind these words, he first evokes the borders of Europe, with the proposal for a reform of the Schengen area. The objective is announced without detour: to face the migratory shock. “We absolutely must find a Europe which knows how to protect its borders”, says the head of state.

On the climate, Emmanuel Macron advocates the fight against imported deforestation. In short: buying wood, cocoa or palm oil when it contributes to destroying forests would be prohibited. Another desired change of course, on the famous Maastricht budgetary criteria. the head of state, who did not say if he would be a candidate, also proposes the creation of a European civic service. Emmanuel Macron hopes to impose his vision of Europe in the next six months.

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