Video length: 1 min
Legislative elections 2024: “Emmanuel Macron has put the country in an anxiety-provoking situation”, deplores Michel Soudais, deputy editor-in-chief of Politis
Legislative elections 2024: “Emmanuel Macron has put the country in an anxiety-provoking situation”, deplores Michel Soudais, deputy editor-in-chief of Politis
Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly after the European elections struck many French people. Guest of 19/20 info Tuesday June 18, Michel Soudais, deputy editor-in-chief of Politis, discusses the challenges of these legislative elections.
Shock. On June 9, the presidential majority was defeated in the European election. In the process, Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, precipitating legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. A decision which shocked many French people and which shook up the political agenda. A striking climate of nervousness, according to Michel Soudais, deputy editor-in-chief of Politis, particularly in the face of “the extremely important issue of this election”. According to the guest specialist on 19/20 info on Tuesday June 18, “Emmanuel Macron, by deciding to dissolve, played with fire. He put the country in an anxiety-provoking situation”.
In this emergency situation, strong mobilization could be expected at the polls. “Mobilization is starting to take place to participate in the elections”, remarks Michel Soudais. In fact, the number of proxy requests increased by more than 650% in the first week. In addition, an IFOP survey for the JDD predicts a participation of 63% for the legislative elections, compared to 47.5% for the European elections.